About SpotScore

SpotScore was started by Pearce Vazquez a former consultant at a global fortune 500 company. After 13 years spent in the corporate world, Pearce wanted to have a greater impact in his local community and became a realtor.

Managing thirteen projects (as a consultant) and starting a part time passion (as a realtor) was challenging and time consuming. Haunting words were delivered during his real estate instructor’s opening statement that 4 out of 5 realtors fail within in the first year on the job and will be out of the industry next year. The number increases when you are a part time realtor.

This is an important statistic and vital to the narrative of SpotScore.

Success would only come if the average cycle time of buying and selling real estate could be improved upon. If there wasn’t time to spend time with family, dedicate 40+ hours a week consulting, and spend less time showing and selling property than other realtors, 4 out of 5 would be the next stop.

The GAP was identified and leveraging skills built over the past decade and a half were called upon to create a system that produced quick alignment on common ground and remove emotions from the process. These early algorithms were created off line and in bulky applications and while the system was proven; the time to use, configure, and get it into client possession wasn’t an efficient use of everyone’s time. Enter SpotScore!

SpotScore is an ecosystem for real estate. It’s mission is to refund everyone’s most precious commodity; TIME! In this age of information, why should an agent take anyone to see 40-60 houses? Why should it take months for people to find the perfect home? Why should a seller not have any visibility into the criteria being graded in his/her zip code?

The answers to these questions are provided in the palm of your hand. At the click or swipe of a button you can share so much information with anyone you allow into your real estate initiative. These messages are are seamless and shared instantaneously via push notification. SpotScore provides you with your very own customized equation that is right for you in the form of a fast application.

Headquartered in Philadelphia, PA, SpotScore’s focus has always been to help and connect home buyers, seller’s, and agents in a cohesive manner that is equipped to keep up with today’s fast paced data driven environment.

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