Frequently Asked Questions

Does SpotScore work for Real Estate Agents?

Yes!  SpotScore is designed by real estate agents, for real estate agents.  We wanted to have a platform that spreads love (and leads) to agents everywhere, not just those who can pay the most.  Once an agent signs up they get leads on a randomized basis, so that each agent has the chance to get every lead that comes through the app.

But the real value is in how SpotScore helps you connect with your customers.  When you and your client have the app, you have access to their likes and dislikes, cutting out precious time that you could be showing them boring houses that won’t work.  The app is designed to reduce the number of showings before finding your client that perfect place to call home, generating more closings and more sales per year. All while making your clients happier than ever.

What if I don’t know what I want in a home yet?

That’s fine, we’ve got you covered.  As you look through different kinds of homes, find the ones that speak to you and you can rate them as you look.  Click on a property and adjust the sliders below to rate each home as you come to it. The app will learn from you and adapt to make sure you see homes that match what you want, as you figure it out.